Monday, June 25, 2012


On Easter morning, April 8th 2012, Mark was experiencing intense pain all over his body. He had also had cold and flu symptoms for over a month that were not going away even with being on Zpack. We headed into the emergency room - over the next 72 hours they did every test possible to Mark. We found out the official diagnosis on Wednesday morning April 11th: Precursor B-Cell mutation+ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. The pain Mark was experiencing was due to his bone marrow being "too full" because of his marrow being filled 95% with leukemia cells.
We started a 28 day hospitalized induction Chemotherapy cycle soon after diagnosis. 41 days later we were released and headed home for Mark to rest and gain back his immunity.

We are now in Remission, meaning there are no signs of leukemia in Mark's marrow at this time. In order to keep the Leukemia from coming back, Mark will be doing consolidation block Chemotherapy. It consists of 2 week treatment blocks. The first few days of each 2-week block we will be in the hospital receiving continuous IV drugs. Then we'll get to go home for the remainder of the 2-weeks to regain health and get his "numbers" back up with in-home care.

We will continue these 2-week treatment blocks until a Bone Marrow Donor can be found from the National registry. Mark needs a bone marrow transplant due to the mutation positive type of luekemia he has. The likely hood of the leukemia coming back and Chemotherapy not working next time is too high to take the risk. The transplant is his best chance at a cure. We have tested his 2 brothers - they are not a good enough match. The National registry is large and we are hopeful.

Through this all we have seen some Amazing blessings God has set up in advance for us. He continues to bless us every day with strength and joy. I will write more on these specific blessings later. Stay tuned.... they will blow your mind and re-new your faith in a God who truly loves us and works for the good of those who love him!

Now to answer the 3 BIG QUESTIONS every one has been asking me....

He is doing good. He feels about like you would the last couple days you are recovering from the flu. Most days just weak, tired and a tiny bit nauseous. The days following the heaviest Chemo drugs are worse - but the last few days before he starts a new 2-week block are pretty good. He has rules about eating and going out in public, visitors have to wear masks and we are all learning to wash, wash, and wash our hands. His spirits are high and he is ready for each new step of this crazy "new-normal." He is trusting God each day and looking to Him for renewed strength and health.

I am doing well. I will NOT let Leukemia steal my JOY and OPTIMISM! I refuse to let fear creep in and I will continue to let the Lord sustain me as I know I cannot do this alone. I need the strength of Christ like never before. I also need all of those around me supporting and helping. I will answer honestly when asked if I need help, I know this is a team sport and we will beat this cancer together. I am super busy, usually tired and sometimes a little crabby. I have never before had to fight so hard to keep my optimistic attitude, but I am fighting, and winning.


PRAY.  - We need a donor, more than likely a complete stranger to be SO generous and give the gift of life - to give my husband a chance at old age.
- We need HEALTH for Mark. Continued improvement and stamina to make it through the next few "two week" cycles of Chemotherapy treatment.
- For joy and peace for my boys.
- For strength each day!

Visit: in hospital or at home - just text him first to make sure it is a good time. Having visitors and "news from the outside world" is great help to recovery.
Send a card
For when he is in the hospital: There is a FREE “send a card” feature on the hospital website. You can pick a card, write a message and the hospital will delivered it to his room.

Bring a meal.
Jordan and Jen have volunteered to organize meals for us. They set up a calendar at for us. You can click the following link to see the calendar and sign up.   I can't tell you how much of a blessing this has been to us. I have trouble getting to the store and having time to cook when and if I am home. While we have my parents watching boys at our house or family in town it has been wonderful to not worry about dinner.

Give Blood.
Mark has been receiving blood transfusions often. We have an account set up at Inland Northwest Blood Center under "Mark Snyder" You can give blood at the INBC under his name and we will receive gift cards for groceries and financial help toward our medical expenses for each unit Mark uses that was donated in his name.

Give financially.
We now have an account set up at Chase Bank that people have been asking for. You can donate to Mark's medical expenses by going to Chase Bank, giving Mark Snyder's name.

REGISTER. I would encourage you to sign up on the Bone Marrow Registry. You can join the Bone Marrow Registry by going online to They’ll mail you a swab kit and all you need to do is swab your cheek, fill out the papers and send it back. It is that easy! You could be a match - or be the answer to another wife's prayer out there. You could SAVE a life.

Thank you all for your support. I'll try my best to keep this updated.


Anonymous said...

We are praying! Know that you are loved! Bill & Donita

Anonymous said...

rustey talked to us on how you werer doing so every morning I pray for you hope you continue to get better each and every day

Kevin Vaughn